The Whole Person Health

A revolution in mental health care

Reset your mind-body health with a single ketamine treatment. Our initial one-month reset program provides the space to create a profound mental rest with the safe & gentle use of ketamine treatment

Beyond Treating Symptoms

Understanding integrative care.

How it Works

4 Steps to you mental health breakthrough’s 360° care begins with in-depth lab work to pinpoint physiological issues that influence your mental health. Once we’ve addressed underlying causes, we leverage ketamine to unlock insights, healing, and change.

Step 1

Health profile & goal discovery

Your team takes the time to learn about your detailed 150-point health history, lifestyle, and symptom inventory. When we fully understand what makes you who you are, we can help you feel your best.

Step 2


Ketamine can create a profound mental reset, and our gentle dose discovery process finds the safest, most effective treatment for you. Our Client Concierge Guides are there for you every step of the way, ensuring you make the most of each extraordinary experience.

Step 3

Advanced diagnostics and labs’s testing goes far deeper than routine lab work to provide a full picture of your health. We examine your gut-brain connection, hormonal health, toxin load, inflammation levels, nutrient deficiencies, genetics and more. Restoring balance in these areas will promote a healthier, happier mind.

Step 4

Personalized health road map

Our clinicians create a unique plan based on your lab results, pinpointing the important changes that will benefit your mental health the most. We address your roadblocks and provide layers of support with health coaches and therapists. With WHOOP® personal digital sleep, fitness and health tracking we’re able to collect valuable insights into your health to better personalize your care.

Included in thenue.resetMind/Body WellnessProgram

All programs begin with an Integrative Medical Consultation, which includes a root-cause approach to your mental wellness. We are experts in the use of ketamine to achieve significant transformations, and we can support up to 6 months of ketamine therapy as per your provider’s discretion. All tiers include the cost of the first month’s ketamine prescription cost (up to 6 experiences)* and dedicated Client Success Team support.

1 Month Ketamine Reset Program

Personal Medical Record Review

$1,150 total


*All prescriptions subject to monthly medical evaluation of individual risks and benefits. Additional pharmacy fees may apply beyond initial month.

**Your clinician may recommend additional lab testing. Additional lab testing fees apply, unless specifically included in the tier.


Everyone has their own unique relationship with ketamine. It can depend on the intention set prior to the experience. Having the correct mindset and setting are just as important. However, these experiences can range from mildly relaxing to feelings of a deep meditation all the way to a blissful lucid dream. You can gain valuable insights, see vibrant imagery and you can even have very spiritual experiences. It typically lasts about 2 hours on average.

The treatments will be delivered to you at home through ketamine rapid dissolving tablets. Once you have an evaluation and you’ve answered the screening questions, we will be able to process your payment for the Basic, Stabilize, or Complete program. You will then be asked to fill out a New Patient Registration Form and a Sitter Agreement Form. Once these forms are submitted, you will be prompted to schedule your medical consultation. 2-3 days after your medical consultation, you will receive your first shipment with your first experience. You will then receive a second shipment with your second and third experience, followed by a third shipment with your fourth, fifth, and sixth experiences. You will fill out an Experience Tracker form after your 1st, 3rd, and 6th experiences and will be in communication with our Medical Director, Dr. Hassan in between shipments.

Our dose-discovery process ensures we quickly and accurately find the right dose for you. We collect real patient data to drive evidenced-based starting dose ranges – factoring in your comfort or anxiety with starting the journey. We pay attention to your experience with previous ketamine infusions or other psychedelic experiences. We also make sure to take note of any medication interactions (which is very rare) and any medical issues you may have. Our dose ranges from 2.0 to 7.0 mg/kg body weight, and your medical team will help you find the ideal place to start. We have the data from our infusion clients, to help people find the optimal experience. The majority of our at-home patients can achieve similar experiences to their intravenous infusions based on our dosing.

The effects of ketamine are unique to every individual. Some of our clients go through the Stabilize program (6 experiences) and feel so good that we never hear from them again. Others choose to proceed with our maintenance program (this ranges between 6-18 experiences over three months) to continue their journey and solidify sustainable long-term happiness. While clinical evidence suggests maintenance programs are the most effective in long-term success, ultimately, it is up to you and how you feel.

Medication interactions with ketamine are very rare. There is a very short list of medications that will counteract ketamine, SSRI’s and Benzodiazepines are not on that list. Most of our clients are taking their anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications while going through this treatment.

My Ketamine Home works with 503a compounding pharmacies. Depending on your state we work with the following pharmacies, and you can elect to use any pharmacy of your choice.

Texas and Florida
ApothiCare360 Pharmacy
6331 Orion Dr. #112
Fort Myers, FL 33912
Phone 239.690.7700

Valor Compounding Pharmacy
2461 Shattuck Ave
Berkley, CA 94704
Phone 855.554.2889

If you’d like to know the specific pharmacy that will be used to fill your prescription, ask your clinician during your medical consult or reach out to your Client Success Team.

This is a great question and a common misconception about ketamine. Ketamine is an FDA approved drug used in the hospital daily. Over the last 50 years, doctors have discovered multiple uses for ketamine in mental health conditions. In fact, the evidence is so strong the American Psychiatric Association put out a statement saying that the antidepressant effects of ketamine are both rapid and robust. A derivative of ketamine, called esketamine, was granted an FDA label for treatment-resistant depression. And so yes, while it may be surprising, ketamine is absolutely legal, tested to be effective, and safe for you to use at home for your mental health condition as long as it is prescribed by a licensed physician.

We have several options available for you. The most effective and clinically proven way to go about ketamine treatments for depression, anxiety, and/or PTSD, is doing a series of 6 ketamine treatments over the course of 3 weeks. We offer this with our Stabilize program. The Stabilize program consists of 6 treatments for the price of $1,150. We also have a Basic program which consists of 3 ketamine treatments for the original price of $850. And a Complete program which consists of the initial 6 Stabilize experiences followed by 3 months of maintenance; a single shipment of 4 doses a month for 3 months. The Complete program is a total of 18 experiences for $2,750.

After you go through the first recommended six experiences, you can either stop doing ketamine treatments all together or continue with our Maintenance program. It depends on how you’re feeling, some clients go through the Stabilize program and feel great, some are still struggling and want a more intensive program which we offer with Maintenance doses.

It’s recommended to have these experiences 2 times a week for 3 weeks.

Ketamine experiences are spaced safely apart and the program lasts a few months, so the risks of long-term exposure are rare. One such rare long-term side effect in daily users of ketamine includes inflammation of the bladder. The other side effects which are related to the experience itself are short-lived and include a modest increase in heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, altered state of consciousness, and impaired motor coordination. All these symptoms fade rapidly in a period of 2-4 hours after the ketamine session as ketamine is rapidly cleared from your body. If you have a history of high blood pressure, our medical team will give you instructions to help you monitor your blood pressure at home so we can safely adjust your dose through the program. Curious to learn more? Watch our explain video on the side effects.

Unfortunately, at this time, at-home ketamine treatments are not covered by insurance. Watch our explainer video here.

We partner with your mental health provider to come up with a plan that is tailored to your situation with the goal of helping you come off medications that aren’t getting you the results you need.

Yes, it is perfectly safe for you to go to work the next day. However, please note that it is not recommended to go out for a drive or do anything of high priority on the day off. It is best to take it easy.

We’ve worked closely with our compounding pharmacy to develop a sublingual formulation to help maximize absorption and improve the bioavailability of ketamine to help you have the types of insightful and meaningful experiences you are seeking. Our dose discovery process corrects for the variations between individuals’ unique absorption, metabolism, and response to ketamine and delivers the same efficacy of intravenous treatments for the majority of patients. We have infusion patients convert to the at-home oral program because of the convenience, and affordability of the treatment without sacrificing the depth or quality of their experience.

We do not. Spravato contains only one molecule of ketamine. We use generic ketamine which contains both molecules contributing to the rapid antidepressant effects.

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what people say

I am forever grateful for this group! They have helped me to dig deep for true healing within and in the comfort of my own home. I highly recommend EVERYONE for this experience. Especially with Dr. Hassan, where I can truly trust the process. The team is absolutely great! Thank you!!!!

Marlena M.

Verified Reviewer

Had a great experience working with this company. Very helpful throughout the entire process, great staff, competitive rates, many types of treatment. Would highly recommend it if you are looking into ketamine treatments!

Justin V.

Verified Reviewer

Dr. Hassan is a unique and kind-hearted physician that understands the complexities of treating chronic conditions. Would recommend it to all friends and family.

Ethan T.

Verified Reviewer


Listen to #TheFeed, hear how @nuelifehealth is leveraging psychedelic assisted therapies to help combat mental illness with the company’s CEO Juan Pablo Cappello.