With most psychedelics, every experience is unique. Ketamine is no different. This medicine is subjective to the condition of the patient. What does that mean? It means the medicine will respond to the state of the patient both in the body and in the mind. This is why setting an intention and creating a safe space is so important. 

There is no guarantee that every experience will be comfortable and every experience will be like the last. Though this may be the case for the majority of the experiences, because of the relativity of the medicine, it should not be assumed. That is why surrendering is so important with this medicine. 

Despite the variability from person to person, session to session, one common denominator with all psychedelics, ketamine being no different, is to surrender to the experience. What you resist, persists. If you find yourself in a state or experience that is uncomfortable or may be intense, do not fight it. Do not try and counter it, breathe through it. The breath is the anchor to bring your mind, your body and your emotions to presence. 

Breathe in your intention and trust the experience. 

This is where the healing begins, in the act of surrendering to your experience. 

Remember physics teaches us that everything is made up of energy, therefore nothing can be destroyed, only transmuted. Trust that whatever comes up that may not be pleasant, is simply being transmitted through your intention to whatever your intention is. Surrender to it. If you fight it, it will only intensify the situation. This energy has to come up and move out in order for it to clear. This is the work of medicine. On the other side of the experience is your freedom to bask in your intention. 

You got this!