When engaging in a new experience, it’s important to ensure that the space you engage in is comfortable and safe. For reasons aside from the obvious, set and setting calm the mind to not rile up any potential thoughts or feelings of stress or anxiety. Surrendering to the experience with total commitment is the best way to receive maximum benefits of the medicine. Therefore, a safe space is extremely important. 

What is a safe space?

It can be anything from a comfortable environment (plush seating/bedroom area, moderate temperature, ambient music) to clearing your day so you have the time and space to be present during your experience.  

A safe space also includes preparing yourself on the day of the session. That could be beginning to plan ahead to clear your schedule, possibly taking a technology break- from social media or emails- ahead of time so no lingering thoughts carry into the day of. Taking the same measures after your experience would also apply. Journaling is a great way to calm the mind and get out any thoughts and feelings that do not support your intention. This is transmuting the energy so you can clear the space for your healing to take its course. 

A safe space varies from person to person, and it is up to you to decide what works for you. Be honest with yourself, you came this far to take this stretch, you owe it to yourself to be one with your experience so you can receive the maximum benefits from it.